Yesterday circa 1 pm, Brett and I drove the dependable CRV down the ever scenic 1-5 highway and started the long journey forward, eventually landing in NYC and Jerusalem. All I can say after these past few weeks of running around like a squirrel surrounded by walnuts is that I am incredibly glad that I'm only leaving the 206 for sixish months. I had it in my head that the departure was far more permanent and life-changing before about a week ago, when I realized that leaving Norcal for Seattle to go to college was a far more difficult transition...and I lived. Go figure.
Geography has played a semi-huge role in my life, especially since high school. Someone recently told me that oldest children most often use distance as a means to differentiate themselves from their family, i.e. grow up. Since moving to Seattle, spending some time in India, Singapore, and Turkey, being about to head to Israel, and making locations a large part of my decision making process for whatever the next year shall bring...leads me to believe that this "oldest child rule" applies to me as well.
I'm both sensible and old enough to know in my head that amazing people can be found anywhere one points to on a map (except North Dakota. I'm just saying). Friends who fill souls aren't just stationed in Seattle, but there is something to be said for a certain location attracting certain types of people. I love and belong way too much to the West Coast stereotype to ever want to stray from it for too long, unless it was New York or Paris. Real talk. I have uber amounts of respect for people who truly live out this belief, however. Because it's still tough to willingly put one's self in a position of pure aloneness with no time table as to when that might change; and since graduation season has come and is still going, people are going through this struggle all around. Good for anyone who thinks that being new is a humbling enough experience that it deserves to be retried every so often, and good for anyone who recognizes the vulnerability and uncertainty that comes with that situation, so you lend out a hand to that new girl/guy.
It's an amazingly good thing that I'm not the only one in charge of deciding where to live or go. I would be paralyzed with indecision that I'd probably end up living on a boat, without any real knowledge of how to maintain/steer/start the ignition on a boat, so I'd sit in Lake Union and look at a map, get sea sick, drink tang, sell the boat, and stay on someone's couch cause Seattle friends are cooler than glaciers.
I shall be keeping this blog and emailing whilst in the Holy Land, and would love to hear from any and everyone. I hope that all of your summers are full of picnics and sun and campouts, or at least some of your favorite activities, if those don't fit the description. Much love.
(a) You should totally add Delaware to the list with North Dakota. I actually didn't even remember North Dakota existed until you wrote that.
(b) I love your blog. Is it sad I check it every day?
(c) You're coming to NYC to play with meeeeee!!
Yes! I read your blog. Good stuff! What is taking you to the holy lands for so long?? Hey, I'll be in the yay area tomorrow, and I think we should grab a muffin or coffee. Fo' real, homie! Let me know so we can walk the talk!
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